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5 life hacks for the exhibitor

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  • 29/09/2020

  • millionaire-international.ru

  • Expert opinion

  • 2 minutes 52 seconds


The exhibition season is gradually coming to life after a long hibernation. Congress and exhibition events are opening, participants are preparing for expositions, developing strategies. How to design your stand successfully, so that you can work effectively at the exhibition and attract the maximum number of visitors and customers - top 5 life hacks from Ivan Nikolsky, General Director of the EXPONIC Exhibition Marketing Agency.

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Light and color

The direction of lighting allows you to focus the attention of visitors on specific products. Thanks to uniform lighting, you will not only create comfortable conditions for visitors at the stand, but also increase the efficiency of your company's employees. Remember about the influence of color on human emotions: red attracts attention, promotes active activity; orange helps to concentrate on something specific and increases the tone; yellow creates a relaxed atmosphere. By the way, this particular color is stored in memory longer than others.

Interactive installations

Moving objects attract attention 7 (!) times more than static ones. These can be: a rotating stand with a sample of the product, a rotating cube with a logo, a running line, an image projected on the floor or wall, videos on screens. The use of VR and AR technologies is increasingly being used at stands. Develop interesting and useful content and involve visitors in it.

Frieze (signboard)

It is important from which side and from what distance your stand will fall into the field of view of the visitor of the exhibition. From afar, visitors' attention is attracted by landmarks above the stand. These can be banners, suspension, three-dimensional forms.

Design - be unique!

Make your exposition unusual. Use a non-standard geometry of the exhibition stand. It always attracts attention on a subconscious level.

Work on all five senses

Most of the information a person receives through the organs of vision. At the same time, you can use other senses – sense of smell, touch, hearing and taste. Use aroma marketing, sound accompaniment, interactive multimedia equipment. Do not forget about catering. The most important thing is that after you have captured the attention of the guests of your stand, you will dispose of it competently. Turn the visitor of the exhibition into your client. Good luck to you at exhibitions!



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